“Yeah, this pair. Definitely this pair. I think they suit me best.”
“Yes! Agreed. I love ’em… Have you thought about getting a spare pair too, just in case something happens to those?”
This is how 50% of the conversations go when we mention the dreaded “second pair” at Edwards & Walker.
Now at this point, a few things are probably going through your mind:
- They’re just trying to sell me another pair of glasses (we’re not)
- I haven’t really got the time to look for a second pair (it’s quicker than you think)
- I can’t really afford a second pair (but can you afford the alternative?)
So, here’s the ACTUAL reasons we always recommend getting a second pair… and why in every scenario, it’s you who benefits.
1. The “you’ll still be able to see” pair
The No.1 reason most of our patients have a second pair is for emergencies.
It’s a classic, but it’s proven.
How many times have you accidentally broken, lost or forgotten your glasses and thought “damn, I can’t see…”
Here’s what you’re now feeling…
- ❌ Panic
- ❌ Frustrated
- ❌ Annoyed
- ❌ Helpless
- ❌ Stressed
And that’s without any physical symptoms you might experience like disorientation, headaches or eye strain.
Or the fact you can’t focus, concentrate or work without them.
Now imagine you’re on holiday in Greece. Or you’re in Manchester for work. Or you just can’t get to the practice until tomorrow. Or the weekend. Or next week.
You can avoid ALL of this.
Rather than the above, imagine initially feeling annoyed or frustrated… but then you remembered our lovely Emily suggested getting a spare when you last came in, and luckily you took her advice.
You open your bedside drawer at home, or your travel bag and…
Now you still feel annoyed and frustrated, but at least you can see.
2. The “they’ll look amazing in that outfit” pair
Glasses are exactly like shoes.
Hear us out…
Specific pairs of shoes go with specific outfits and specific occasions.
For instance, for men, smart shoes go better with suits, chinos or trousers.
For women, high heels go better with dresses, evening gowns or workwear.
The bottom line is, you wouldn’t wear wellies to a wedding or slippers to a bar.
So why would you always wear the same pair of glasses for every event!?
Think about it…
Your one pair will be a certain shape, colour and thickness.
You look amazing when you wear it with jeans and a t-shirt, or a blouse and a skirt, or a suit for work.
But you’re pretty sure it lets the outfit down when you’re going out for Claire’s birthday meal, or you’ve got John’s party at the weekend, or you’re trying on outfits for Dubai.
It’s the same for earrings, watches, belts, hats, scarves, coats… we could go on.
Some of our patients have up to 5 pairs of glasses for this exact reason.
Because they know one pair is not a one-size-fits-all.
Exactly the same as shoes.
3. The “you’re better getting glasses especially for work” pair
Chances are if you work at a computer all day or you need safety glasses because you work in construction, a lab, or in certain industrial settings, we’ll 100% recommend a second pair.
Because it will 100% help you see better at work and make your life sooooooo much easier.
Because you can get glasses and lenses that are specially designed for this type of work.
It’s not a gimmick or a trick – the fact is so many people work like this, it would be more surprising if these types of lenses weren’t available.
With computer work, the biggest issues they’ll solve are eye strain, reducing glare and helping you focus and concentrate better.
With construction, lab or industrial work, the glasses will be made to a specific standard to essentially stop you going blind (pretty important).
And if neither of those are persuasive enough, a lot of our patients just have one pair for home and one for work because it helps the separation between both.
Simple, but effective.
4. The “did you know you can get glasses specifically for sports?” pair
Yep. You can get glasses specifically for sport.
Running, cycling, skiing, snooker, swimming, athletics.
You name it, you can get it.
And why would you get glasses specifically for sports?
- ‘✔️ You can get bespoke lenses that are tailored to individual needs
- ✔️ You can get lighter lenses, which would suit runners or cyclists for instance
- ✔️ They’ll protect you from wind, rain, snow, debris… and whatever else that might get in your eyes
- ✔️ They’ll keep your eyes safe from any accidents or falls
- ✔️ They just give you a better all-round experience than normal glasses!
And if that wasn’t enough, if you’re an outdoorsy person, they’ll shield your eyes better from the sun!
A no-brainer really.
5. The “you can still wear reading glasses” pair
A fact of life is that as you get older, you won’t be able to see as well.
For a lot of people, the biggest change will take place around the age of 40…
It’s when you start to inch your iPhone, the newspaper or the menu at Cactus Jacks further and further away from your face, and you start squinting with your eyes.
That’s when you know you need glasses.
Now for some people, they’ll do the whole “denial thing” and then eventually realise they can’t see without glasses and it’ll make their lives 100 times easier.
They come to us and choose a nice pair of glasses that they only use for reading.
And they love them.
But then, over time, they realise that their eyesight is getting worse and they want bifocals. And then varifocals.
But they actually preferred having separate reading glasses because it was more comfortable and easier for them…
Our response?
You CAN have your cake and eat it.
Loads of our patients have separate reading glasses and in fact, we’d recommend it, especially if you love a good book, use your computer a lot or prefer knowing what you’re ordering in a restaurant.
And the best bit?
You can use the opportunity to get something different – a different style or colour – that you might not otherwise try, but as you’ll only be wearing them for reading, you might as well live a little.
6. The “one of many other reasons I need a second pair” pair
If none of the above were good enough reasons to get a second pair, how about:
- ✔️ So you can keep a pair in the car if you drive a lot
- ✔️ Because you want to turn them into sunglasses (we can do that)
- ✔️ Because your kids keep pulling and bending the arms
So yeah, those are real reasons we always recommend getting a spare or second pair of glasses.
It’s not just another sales tactic, it’s LITERALLY because it’ll benefit your life.
And, as for maybe not having enough time to choose a second pair…
You’ll find that when you’re looking for your main pair of glasses, you naturally choose 2 or 3 that you like (maybe even 5 or 6 like we’ve found with some patients).
And hey presto, you’ve now already chosen a selection of frames you want.
But there’s still the question of cost…
Well, besides the fact that we offer 25% off second pairs, if you’ve read all of the above…
Is it really worth NOT having a second pair when you need it the most?
The way one patient put it: “It’s a one-off cost that saves me a lot of hassle and stress.”
And naturally, we think the same.
Book your “second pair” appointment today.